Measuring the Effectiveness of Gamification

Have you ever been gamified? My guess is that it’s happened on many occasions without you ever even knowing it. Allow me to prove my point. If you are a member of LinkedIn and have strived to achieve a level of completeness on your profile… you have been...

Digital Marketing Degree at UofM Dearborn

I am currently enrolled as a student at the University of Michigan Dearborn College of Business. My majors are Digital Marketing and Information Technology Management. I think the weight of this duel degree will carry a special edge upon entering the business world....

8 SEO Facts That All Digital Marketers Should Know

Search Engine Optimization is a very crucial part of digital marketing. Here are some Search Engine Facts which a digital marketer must know. These SEO Facts 2018 can really help them to plan for different marketing strategy.1. Most of the users click on top 5 search...