Bulona admin is based on Angular10+, bootstrap 5 framework.
it has 8 nicely designed dashboards. It is powerful
and developer friendly admin template. It has a huge collection of UI
components with latest jQuery & bootstrap plugins.
It is fully responsive and works with all major web browsers,
desktop, and all smart phones.It is usable for building all types
of Web applications like custom admin dashboard, eCommerce web application,
cms or crm web apps.
The Angular CLI makes it easy to maintain this application.
Bulona angular admin has multiple dashboard with organized folder structure,
clean & commented code which make it developer friendly. It works on all major web browsers,
desktop and all smart phone devices.
Bulona angular admin template compatible with AOT and Lazy Loading.
With AOT, the browser downloads a pre-compiled version of the application.
The browser loads executable code so it can render the application immediately,
without waiting to compile the app first. With Lazy Loading,
it allows you to load JavaScript components asynchronously when a specific route is
activated. Wipe Admin angular admin template contains many example pages with many
ready to use elements and easy to customize.
You can choose from few premade layouts.
This template comes with lots of popular UI components.
It can be used for any type of web applications e-commerce dashboard,
custom admin panel, project management admin, CRM, CMS, etc.
Template Key Features
- 8 Nicely Designed Dashboards
- Bootstrap Modals
- Ng-bootstrap Components
- Lazy loading
- Nested Routing
- Data Table with Paging & Sorting
- 65+ components
- 200+ UI Icons
- Bootstrap cards
- Apex Chart
- Chart Js
- NGX-Chips
- Sweet Alerts
- Timeline
- Switches
- Angular Full Calendar
- Google Maps
- Data Tables
- Date & Time Pickers
- Organized Folder Structure
- Quill Editor
- Login/ Registration Pages
- Fully Responsive Layouts
- Compatible with Small, Medium & Large Screens
- Well Documented
Sources and Credits
- Angular.io
- getbootstrap.com
- jquery.com
- Chart JS
- Apex Chart
- Angular Calendar
- Flot Charts
- jQuery Sparkline
- Easy Pie Chart
- Gmaps
- ngx-ui-switch
- simple Line Icons
- Themify Icons
- Flag Icons
- Vertical Timeline
- ngx-datatable
- Bootstrap Datatable
- NG-Bootstrap Datepicker
- Select2 org
- Sweetalert2
We have used Images only for demo purposes.
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