Are you looking for answers to the following questions? What is a Green MBA? What can it do for my career? What schools are offering them? Can I get one online? Then read on … and find some answers to these questions. This article will explain why a Green MBA can be important for many careers, how they can jump start a stalled career, and what schools are offering them including online programs.

What is a Green MBA?

A Green MBA, also called a "sustainable business degree," is a Master of Business Administration degree that has a focus on corporate sustainability. Like a traditional MBA, it is granted after one to two years of graduate-level university study providing training in the theory and practice of business management. It teaches the theory and practice of managing the enterprise in a sustainable fashion, including managing the environmental impact of the business, increasing energy efficiency, reducing waste and finding ways to promote sustainable practices in all aspects of the business.

Why a Green MBA Is Important?

Increasingly companies are taking corporate sustainability and environmental practices seriously, discovering that an approach to business that factors in sustainability is also becoming strategically important for the enterprises long term success. A survey of 481 companies, by Arthur D. Little found that 95% of the surveyed executives counted sustainable development as being important to their business future.

There is growing need for a new generation of business leaders who understand corporate sustainable. This is backed up by job posting data and by executive surveys. The CSR Jobs Report, by Net Impact and Ellen Weinreb CSR Recruiting, found that the number of corporate social responsibility (CSR) job postings has increased by 37 percent in a three-and-a-half-year period and that that demand for CSR MBA level candidates still outpaces supply.

A recent GreenBiz survey of more than 600 companies found that organizations are increasing their hiring of environmental and sustainability professionals. The number of large companies citing open positions and plans to increase staff doubled from 8 percent in late 2008 to 17 percent this summer. One-in-ten employers have added green jobs, in the last 12 months, according to a recent Career Builder survey.

While hiring has been abysmal overall, energy efficiency companies are hiring, and clean tech jobs are starting to replace old jobs that have been lousy. Some of the green job announcements most often posted on job boards are those held by people with Green MBAs. They include: Project Manager, Account Executive, Sales Manager, Marketing Coordinator, Business Analyst, Operations Manager, Sustainability Analyst, Research Analyst and Sustainability Manager, and Nonprofit Executive Director

What schools are offering them and can I get a Green MBA online?

An increasing number of universities are offering Master's of Business Administration degree programs with a focus on sustainability. Green MBA degree programs as well as various corporate sustainability certificate programs are now available in universities located in more than twenty states as well as several online programs as well online for those students who wish to explore this option. These Green MBA programs offer various concentrations in such specialized areas as: global business sustainability, sustainable supply chain management, sustainable management, sustainable marketing, environmental and social sustainability, energy policy and organic agriculture. New programs are being established with several new programs having been added over the past months.

Final Words

As corporations around the world begin to focus on strategies that provide their organizations a competitive advantage through environmentally sustainable practices, such as carbon reduction, energy efficiency and clean technologies and especially as they discover that considerable money saving and profit making opportunities also exist they will need a new generation of business leaders who can lead in these efforts and who understand the issues and opportunities that exist. Those who earn a Green MBA will find themselves positioned to become leaders in this exciting transformation of the way business is being conducted around the world. It can help high achievers in the business world help make this world a better place while they help position their enterprises to turn a long term sustainable profit.

Ezine by Chris De Morsella
