Brand effective marketing for any small business is important. But when you’re the trifecta of new small business, with low-budget options, new to the market, and just starting out… Your micro business development can use all the help it can get.
Micro Business Branding Made Easy –
Tech savvy or not, your brand spanking new micro business most likely can’t afford a high-tech, top-shelf, web designer to create your online presence, brand your new business, and put you on the front page of Google, so you’ll probably have to do that little job yourself. And we’re going to tell you how easy it is in 3 easy ways to brand your micro business as you develop your presence online.
1 – Social Media Marketing
Get out in front of that process with a Facebook Group, a LinkedIn Group, and a #hashtagonTwitter that drive business to your online site.
The greater your following on social media, the more traffic you can generate, and the faster you’ll be driving paying customers to your online business. Of course, you don’t want just “anybody” in your groups, following your tweets, or jamming up your wall. You want a targeted group of people who need what you offer. Market to your niche. That’s an important detail.
2 – Brand Specific Messaging.
Your logo, your message, your group presentations, and every other single thing you do should be on target with your brand specific messaging. Not only are you telling your targeted niche about yourself, this specific messaging technique will give them a detailed reason why they should come find you, buy from you, and share your message with their friends. As important as it is for you to find them, it’s even more important that they SHARE your message with their friends, creating a viral impact for your brand specific messaging.
Your micro business going viral is the first level of high-impact that will generate traffic to your website. Use it to your advantage.
3 – A Micro Business Website and Blog.
With all of this marketing going on, you need a website where your readers and buyers, and fans can go see more about what you do, who you are, and what you offer. A website with a landing page that allows them to see a broader picture of your business, become familiar with your product, and maybe even put a face to the name is imperative.
Offering up quality information, solutions, and ideas in your blog is at least as important as marketing your website through other means. With every blog post you write, you’re giving your buying audience one more chance to locate you on the search engines. Fill up your micro business blog with highly searched details of your business online.
Are you ready to build that website?
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